Kiandras Fallen Angels

Kiandras Fallen Angles, the Charity Component of The Little water park that Could. Changing Foster Care one Wave of the time.
The mission of KFA is to empower foster care phase outs by teaching them hospitality and other business skills. The meaning of the name Kiandra is Water Baby, Magical. Kiandra is the Godess of the Atlantic. she will watch over Foster Cares Fallen Angels. foster care system needs a sweeping overhaul to save lives of children. he transition from high school to adult life can be exciting, but also challenging and even frightening. Young people are expected to live independently, continue their education, pursue careers, establish relationships, and participate in their communities. Meeting these goals is only part of the picture for youth with disabilities; additional social, academic, health, and environmental barriers must also be addressed / The Little Water Park That could will provide this transitional stage with enhanced tools.Aging out of foster care is challenging for a variety of reasons, including lack of family/caregiver support, confusion about services, and lack of thorough, realistic planning. Child welfare typically focuses on temporary child removal as well as reducing time spent in foster care. Nevertheless, numerous children spend considerable time in foster care, many remaining until emancipation with approximately 20,000 adolescents leaving foster care each year. We plan on reaching out to as many of these youth as possible.To learn more about the Transitioning Youth Project, call 917-596-3460

Our Resort Opens this June and the Little Water Park that Could will begin construction in Fall 2009

Stay tuned for updates.